You find increased interest in Judaism as it is a resurgence of popularity especially when looking at the secret wisdom and mystical traditions which the Hebrew and Jewish nations call Kabbalah. However what is it and what exactly does it teach you. It is something that was hidden for centuries in all corners of traditional Judaism and contemporary populations ignored it too.
However even if other religions and individuals are not familiar with kabbalah it is something many kabbalah literate Jews continue to practice and belief in. a mystical rabbi way back in 1696 became a believer simply because he started studying kabbalah. Believing in Jesus or Yeshua as He is known this rabbi wrote Hebrew manuscripts where he revealed parallels he found between Jewish mysticism and the New Testament.
Zohar is what the core of Jewish mysticism is called and it was from these three manuscripts that it was believed that Jewish mysticism belongs to a wider audience than only the Jewish believers. During the early twentieth century a translator translated the Zohar with three other yeshiva trained Jews and they also believed that there existed strong parallels between Jewish mysticism and the New Testament.
A popular Los Angeles Kabbalah centre continue to believe and promote the divine power of the kabbalah and the keystone that God is One and a compound unity. Everything that are professed in the kabbalah are in line with the New testament and that God communicates with limited human beings trough sublime interrelationship via concepts they refer to as Sefirot which in essence is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of the New Testament.
However where the New Testament refers to three separate beings or presences, the kabbalists call it three degrees or grades which form One. In the Kabbalistic literature you will find multiplicity unities which form part of One which vary between degrees of importance one of which could be humans too.
It differs from spiritual teachings in an easy to understand manner with people finding transcendence in their religious practices in material world, serenity and enlightenment. When you practice kabbalism however you know the infinite light is present here and now and the ultimate paradise others seek in afterlife is here on earth while you are living and breathing.
The basic kabbalah ideas are varied however some major aspects include infinite light with all forms extending from god that is why infinite light lives within you and present on earth. Vessels and light are two other themselves within kabbalah which relates to modern man’s idea of matter and energy. We are the defined states of being which are referred to as vessels that are the carriers of light.